Reading List

Sunday 14 March 2010

Dear Mother... we shall be quite alright

Often you find messages only reveal themselves on the second or third reading. This card is a good example.

At first it all seems pretty banal - a son updates his mother on what he'd been up to that day in town.

Sent a year earlier, the card would be of little interest. But once you've clocked the card was sent in September 1914, the card fills with poignancy.

Let's hope George was alright and one day got back to Hardwick Farm 'safetly'.

I promise to make sure next week's card is cheerier! Keen to hear your thoughts on the posts so far...


  1. Poignant indeed. So many British soldiers died in this war, or else they got shellshocked or worse. I hope Mrs Day saw her son back at the farm well in 1918. Happy PFF.

  2. Hope he made it home safely. Nice little piece of history.

  3. Beautiful penmanship. A brave message, heartbreaking, too.

  4. heartbreaking - I call these postcards with history, where knowing the date and what it means is important. Great post, thank you.

  5. What a sad, wonderful moment captured.
